Sunday, May 4, 2014

Deities are Mirrors of "US"!--Dr. Rama

Deities are Mirrors of  "US"-----Dr. Rama

Deities of all kinds from any religion or spiritual path are mirror images of ourselves.  There are many misconceptions about deities, images, forms and idols.  Remember this is not the only earth, there are countless trillions of physical, astral, causal, and supra causal realms of varying density and dimension.  And remember there are also trillions of Universes comprising each of these states of densities ---trillions upon trillions upon trillions of worlds that have no end and no beginning---

So as limited humans on this finite and dense planet we are also seemingly limited in body and mind.  We are trying to reconnect and remember the Divine Source, the Divine intangible infinite Spirit, the infinite unexplainable natural force, the Divine Intelligence behind and within creation, the simultaneous Supremely omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent force and Source.  We are trying to reconnect and remember because we came from that Source, we---are extensions of that Universal Spirit in condensed form.--it is part of our natural instinct, evolution and Nature, to ultimately go inside ourselves to listen to our inner prompting that compels to seek answers and experiences about the known and unknown, seen and unseen......when our mind fails to explain that which is seemingly mysterious and unknown to us.  That is part of the game of hide and seek between the eternal Source and created beings of infinite forms.

Why we are here in physicality is the subject of another discussion.  The fact is that we are here and as physical beings we need some point of contact with the Divine.

Most people, (like me) ha ha----need some kind of form to visualize to understand and relate to.  The infinite Divine Source is too big a concept to grasp at once unless we have become fully enlightened to hold the entire Universe consciously within our own being.

It is like a little child imitating her mother with a doll.  The child does not know all the subtleties and innuendos of motherhood, but she knows she can relate and communicate her love and intentions through a doll.

It is the same as with idols.  Most of us need some focal point with which to relate to the Divine that is well beyond most people's mind and grasp.

Even in secular life when you have pictures of loved ones and so on at home or at the office, does it not give one a sense of purpose? Do we not connect with their energy and hearts and with our being through a picture?  Many say they keep pictures there because it keeps them going and gives them a purpose for living.

When kids and others have pictures of movie stars, athletes, singers, heroes and others, do these all ignite and awaken a certain set of various feelings and powers inside us?

So just imagine what an idol, image, or deity representing the Divine can invoke inside us.

It  does not matter what culture you come from, every culture has some kind of form of the Divine with which to relate----even in Islam they have a book even if they claim no forms, is it not so?

The other few weeks or so I was silently and listening to the dialogue observing some of my own in-- laws --hanging onto their own rigid beliefs and conditioning and instructing their children to ignore and not value all deities, not even wanting any Indian artifacts and statues in their houses, even though they are or were married to Indians in the first place!  And I realized more how such conditioning and limitation is placed into one generation to the next......unless more enlightenment and understanding awakens for global humanity.......

Any deity, high or low, light or dark, and in any form represents primordial archetypal energies that exist within the unseen.

Do not people have images of Jesus and Mary?  How many people relate to Mother Mary even more than Jesus?  And yet other non-Western deities and images are often condemned and misunderstood!

Remember in Africa and America we see black Jesus image and icons.  In Eastern Europe we see dark or black Madonnas and there are millions of  Chinese looking Buddhas in the Far East even though he was from India.......  Indian idols look Indian, Thai deities look Thai, American Idols (haha)----look American on TV!  ----

So the same archetypes are present in all cultures----even off world planets---the deities there look like their inhabitants......

It is because we are creating a mirror of ourselves through the deities.  The deities are in essence a mirror of ourselves.

When you are in front of a deity you are trying to remember, reverberate and revel in your own Divine qualities. 

For example if you are in front of the deity of fame and fortune, it is because our Soul is already abundant and famous ---famous because we are omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient-already---but the problem is--is that most of us forgot this, so we go in front of the deity who personifies these qualities and do whatever we do--stare at the deity, dance around, sing songs, do ritual worship, chant, meditate and so on, all hoping to invoke those qualities in ourselves.  We are already perfectly abundant but due to karma and other negative law of attraction issues we may be trapped in poverty and myriad other problems.  So we go in front of the deity to awaken the abundant positive state within our own being.

The deity looks like us and is dressed in the culture that we are familiar with or hold near and dear. If we were on a planet of reptilians, raptor beings, insectasoids, Dinoids, or Lion Beings, then the deities would look like that. The deity holds symbolic objects that represent various powers that we already have and that we need to remember.  These powers exist as rays of light inside us all.

The same applies for any other deity or idol or statue.  If you are in front of the archetype of education, wisdom, creativity, knowledge, the arts, sciences and so on--then you are trying to awaken those brain centers inside yourself that will give you more or broader intelligence.  You ask outside for what is inside already, just buried and dormant through eons of karma that have kept us from remembering our Super Intelligent powers.

If we want more compassion, worship and study Quan Yin.  If we want to experience lust and passion, then invoke Cupid or Kama.  If we want more meditation then Shiva is the man for us! ---and it goes on and on....for anything and everything.

So in essence there is ONE LIGHT or Source that fractionates into infinite qualities, essences, lights, powers, and all to meet and suit infinite tasks and issues; this is another great hidden mystery of the Universe.

What is a great secret is that when you create a likeness of any person, saint, being, deity and so on you are creating a focus point to access their power in the Unseen, which is also our own power.

Remember when we are in front of real mirror, we look at it to see how we look and and how we are, is it not so?  We check our hair and makeup and so on.  If we had full remembrance of how we look and so on, then why would we need a mirror?  Yet we all look daily at a mirror to check anything and everything.  Some people talk to themselves in front of a mirror.  It is no different with a deity.

Another mystery is that the deities represent all qualities inside us; and yet, by creating various images representing various qualities, we are invoking the Power of Source.  Source will mold to any power we create through our will. This is another divine secret.  So in another sense, the deities represent Higher Powers, that we can appeal to help us with anything and everything even though we have those powers inside us already.

In our own world, even though we have these potential talents and powers, we have to consult various people as experts, is it not so?  We have to consult a doctor, lawyer, business expert and so on to conduct and handle even our mundane life.  We all have the power to learn what they know but we do not have all resources consciously to do so because we are in body and limited mind and each has a unique path of learning; we cannot do everything at once in our present state of evolution and in our limited body we are not "know it alls......."  Yet we all need each other as each person's job contributes to the whole planet. There is no work that is ultimately high or low, even though society places artificial value through money and prestige on various works.

Similarly we attract and worship and do whatever we do to access higher hidden powers, lights, gods, goddesses and beings to help us in the Light to remember the Light or any task, mission, goal, work, assignment, hobby craft or anything we desire.  When such beings descend from higher worlds, they can concentrate their power into the deity we set up or have----much like a telephone.  The statue becomes a telephone.  We pray, talk to , ask and so on to the statue, and if we are quiet we will get inner answers through our own intuition guidance and so from those powers we are focusing on.

Yet some people want nothing to do with these beings or idols they just want to go directly to the Source or the Light.  That is all wonderful if we can handle the enormous electrical voltage of Source.  If we can handle it by all means do so.  However do not be surprised if various beings come in dreams, meditation or show up in our lives to help us as living angels, light beings our own relatives and friends and new people we come across!  These are the ones that the abstract Light sends us in tangible form-----so we still have to deal with names and forms!--Even if we think we only want the abstract, invisible and infinite----  Is it not funny?

For those people who look down or judge the worship of deities and so on I ask to hold off on all judgments and allow each to do his own path and way of being. 

In India there is the story of the saint who thought he was listening to his Guru by remaining in the middle of the road when a mad elephant was running down the same road.  All the crowds shouted at him to get out the way, but the saint obstinately sat in the middle of the road, saying that his Guru said that God will always look after and protect the devotee.  So he sat there and the angry elephant stomped on him hurled over the village roofs with its strong trunk.  Bruised and beaten he went to this Guru and asked him why God did not protect him from the elephant.  Calmly the Guru told him that God was there protecting him ! God was speaking through the people to get out of the way!!

Dr. Rama

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